Photography Farm - Farmshop 2018 Edinburgh

What's a Photography Farm?  And what's a Farmshop?  It's a community of photographers and videographers in the UK and overseas, led by the fantastic Lisa Devlin of Devlin Photos, that meets once a year for an intensive two day event covering business, technique, and practical shooting sessions.  It is an inspiring, fun, challenging, incredible learning experience - no matter what stage you may be at in your career.  I've been a photographer for a number of years, since first picking up a film camera in 1997 and specialising in cinematography and photography at University in 1999.  

This year, Farmshop was in Edinburgh at the Biscuit Factory in Anderson Place.  We kicked off with incredible and varied lessons in business and technique from Neil Thomas Douglas, Jennifer Moher, Tu Anh Nguyen, The Twins, Gabe McClintock, and Eric Ronald.  There was a fantastic theme running through this year's event about how we see, frame and tell the story.  It brought back many memories of being in cinematography lectures 19 years ago!  On day two, I headed out to shoot with Eric Ronald and it was fantastic to see him work the couple, the light, and tell the story in such a short space of time.  Thanks for sharing all that knowledge, Eric!

And, as always, thanks to the wonderful Lisa for organising and building such a supportive and encouraging community!